Thursday 16 February 2012

Traditional Heel Spur Treatments

Heel spur is a medical ailment generally prevalent in middle aged people. It is caused by the formation of a hook of bone on the heel bone. One of the most prominent symptoms of heel spur is chronic heel pain. People having heel spur find it difficult to walk and perform their daily activities. If the heel pain is left unattended, the condition can aggravate and the foot muscles may get damaged.Thus, you must consult your doctor for some effective heel spur treatment as soon as it has been diagnosed.

There are a number of heel spur treatments designed to provide relief from heel pain, such as extracorporeal shock wave therapy, surgery, anti inflammatory drugs, etc. If you are looking for some easy measures to treat your heel spurs, then you have come to the right place. This article will enlighten you about the various traditional heel spur treatments that are easy to follow even at home.

The traditional treatments for heel spur include avoiding the strenuous activities. This includes climbing up and down the stairs, walking, running, lifting heavy objects, etc. This will reduce the pressure on your feet muscles and, hence, provide relief. Secondly, do ice massage of your heels at least two times a day. Roll your feet over a frozen bottle. It will help decrease inflammation.

Apple cider vinegar is an effectual home remedy. Wet a cotton towel or cotton bandage in apple cider vinegar, fold over it up and place it on your heel. Secure the towel or bandage in place with tape. Wear it regularly for a few days. Create a mixture of apple cider vinegar, molasses, and baking soda and rub it on your heel spur. Applying ice to the heel and massaging the area with coconut oil are also good home remedies.  Orthopedic molds and night splints are very much helpful in getting heel spur relief from the pain of this problem. You can get the relief starting this irregular situation.

If the inflammation is chronic, use a contrast bath for your feet. Use an ice pack for your heels for approximately five minutes and then switch to heat pack for next five minutes. Do this for about half an hour, four times a week. Perform simple stretching exercises, such as rolling a ball under your feet, and other exercises that help relax the muscles of your feet.

All your body weight is on your feet while you are standing, walking or running. So, if you are overweight, the pressure on your heels increases which can aggravate your heel spur. To get relief from heel pain, lose the extra weight. You should also wear supportive shoes with cushioned soles that support your heel. Wearing prefabricated orthotics, such as night splints, semi-rigid shoe inserts, etc. can also prove to be helpful. These orthotics help control motion in your feet, thereby providing relief. So, if you are having heel spur and want to get relieved of the pain, adopt some of the above mentioned easy measures and say goodbye to your agonizing heel pain.

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